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1. Refund Transaction


- The user must be a KYC-verified member in the Payment Support Portal to submit a refund request.

- The admin will process and return the requested amount to user within 24 hours of the request

- In the case of BCEL transactions, the request fee is non-refundable. However, no fee will be charged for JDB or IB transactions

2. Overview

In these refund workflows, a customer initiates a refund request after a purchase, which sets off a series of steps across different entities. The process involves the customer, the merchant platform, the payment support system, and the bank or payment support admin, depending on the flow.

2.1. Bcel Bank refund workflow

becel one flow
  1. Customer : requests a refund via the Platform Owner, initiating the process for a transaction reversal.
  2. Merchant : sends the refund request to the Payment Support System for further processing.
  3. Payment Support System : forwards the request to the Bank, asking for the refund to be issued.
  4. Bank : processes and returns the refund directly to the Customer’s account, completing the transaction

2.2. JDB and IB Bank refund workflow

becel one flow
  1. Customer :requests a refund through the Merchant Platform, initiating the refund process.
  2. Merchant :forwards the refund request to the Payment Support System for further action.
  3. Phapay admin : reviews and approves the refund after verification.
  4. Phapay admin: manually returns the refund to the Customer, completing the process

3. Refund Transaction via Payment Support API

To request the refund transaction via Payment Support API by using transaction ID:

3.1. Request refund transaction

URL: https://payment-gateway.lailalolab.com/v1/api/refund (opens in a new tab)
Method: POST
Headers: secretKey: <your_secret_key>

transactionIdStringA unique identifier for the transaction,repeated for convenience
Response Data:
  "message": "SUCCESSFULLY",
      "id": "66fd2e6be097f64ebbdf23ba",
      "status": "REQUESTING",
      "amount": 1000,
      "createdAt": "2024-10-02T11:28:43.625Z",
      "billNo": "LPG710301"

3.2. Check refund transaction status

URL: https://payment-gateway.lailalolab.com/v1/api/refund/{bill_id} (opens in a new tab) Method: GET
Headers: secretKey: <your_secret_key>

bill_idStringA unique identifier for the refund transaction bill, you can get it after request refund transaction with the field (id)
Response Data:
messageStringA string indicating the status of the API call. For successful calls
idStringA bill id that is a unique identifier for the refund transaction bill, using for 1.2.2. Check refund status
statusStringThe current status of the refund transaction bill
amountStringThe amount of the refund bill (the transaction amount)
billNoStringA bill no of the refund transaction bill
createdAtDateTimeThe timestamp indicating when the transaction was created
  "message": "SUCCESSFULLY",
  "id": "66fd2e6be097f64ebbdf23ba",
  "status": "REQUESTING",
  "amount": 1000,
  "createdAt": "2024-10-02T11:28:43.625Z",
  "billNo": "LPG710301"

4. Refund Transaction via Payment Support Portal

- Go to Payment Portal https://portal.lailaolab.la/ (opens in a new tab) when you get a contact from the customer for refunding.

- You would see list of transactions and choose a transaction for approval.

refund step1

- Then click confirm to request approval from admin.

refund step1

- After clicking confirm, it will navigate to review management while waiting for approval from the admin.

refund step1

After approval by admin, you will see that the refund request has been approved.

refund step1

Read More:

For complete details on integrating and using the Refund API.

Click here to access:

Refund API Documentation (PDF)